Candidate Details

Candidate Profile Image
Candidate Personal Information
Name Hjihuil
Father Name Cjkkllg
Date of Birth 23/11/1997
Year of Age 26 years, 9 months and 22 days
Height Hjkk
Weight 55
Marital Status UnMarried
Blood Group
Education Qualification Vjkll
Additional Qualification Chjk
Physical Handicap No
Candidate Family Information
Father Name
Father Occupation
Mother Name Kkhgjkk
Mother Occupation
Total Family Member
Married Brother
Unmarried Brother
Married Sister
Unmarried Sister
Extra Information
Native Hometown Vhj
Current Residence Village/City
Candidate Mosad Vjkl
Father Mosad Ghjk
Mother Mosad Gjjk
Expected Quality In Partner 1
Candidate Address Information
Town / Cit Vhjk
Address Line 1 Vjjk
Address Line 2 Ghhj
Stat Gujarat
Country India
Pin Code 360001
Candidate Career Information
Job / Business Vjjk
Post Chjjk
Departmen / Company Name
Type of Business
Name of Business
Candidate Monthly Income 1
Father Monthly Income
Mother's Monthly Income
Candidate Contact Information
Elder's Name Gioe
Elder's Number 8939836372828
Name of Poster for Biodata Hahjwj
Number of Poster for Biodata 6389292